Sunday, June 3, 2007


I find it much easier to keep on track with my goals and eating during the week, but when the weekend comes I find myself eating more and being WAY less active. All too often I don't leave my apartment the entire weekend or do anything active at all. I know I'm partly eating out of boredom, but I like having lazy weekends with no plans. There's no reason I couldn't be lifting weights or doing something in front of the TV though. That definitely needs to be on my list of goals for next week.

Does anyone else find that they gorge themselves after returning from the grocery store? Even though I never shop hungry, whenever I return from the grocery store with my various foods I find that I can't choose from all the good food I bought and I end up eating a little of everything! I wonder if shopping a little bit every few days instead of all at once would help with this issue.

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