Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Week 3

I still haven't been to the gym to weigh myself, so I'm not sure if there was a loss or gain this week. I did ok on my mini goals. I'm still doing very well at drinking water and tea all day, but haven't managed to work in getting to the gym regularly. I have incorporated a lot more walking into my daily routine though, so hopefully I can keep up with that.

This week's goals: GET TO THE GYM! No excuses! and work on limiting my snacking at work.


Seeking Solace said...

Cheers for starting your blog.

I am trying to have the Active Academic transferred to Ragey and me, since we post the most there. If that happens, I will add you as a commentator, if you like.

Karen said...

Absolutely! The more support systems in place the more likely I am to keep on track!